Detailed plans are now available for a three-storey development proposal with ground-floor retail and 12 “shop top” residential units on the corner of Ocean View Rd and Ferry Rd, Ettalong.
The development would partially demolish a commercial building, demolish a residential dwelling, and construct a three-storey mixed-use development at 302 to 306 Ocean View Rd, Ettalong.
A previous proposal for a boarding house on this site met with strong community opposition.
The proposed new building would contain ground floor retail and parking on the 2174 square metre block.
The site is occupied by a single storey fibro and brick commercial building with metal roof fronting Ocean View Rd and a single storey fibro dwelling fronting the foreshore reserve.
The portion to be developed under this application has an area of 1838 square metres.
The proposal involves the re-subdivision of two blocks, partial demolition of the existing single storey commercial building on the corner of Ferry Rd, and demolition of the existing residential dwelling adjacent to the beachfront reserve.
The two blocks would be amalgamated and subsequently strata titled on completion of the development.
The developer is seeking variations to the floor space ratio across the site of up to over 10 per cent, beyond the provisions of the Gosford Local Environmental Plan.
A statement written by Wales and Associates to support the development said the variation to floor space ratio was “considered to be justified due to the design merit of the building, its relationship to the future streetscape and the overall bulk and scale of the building”.
“The floor space ratio variation is considered to be reasonable when considered within the context of the overall streetscape with its primary frontage to Ocean View Rd and high exposure to Ferry Rd and the intent of both the Gosford Local Environmental Plan 2014 and the Gosford Development Control Plan 2013,” the statement said.
“The variation to the ratio will not hinder the proper management and development of the Ettalong Beach retail catchment and the adjoining residential catchment.
“The proposal will improve the social and economic welfare of the local community and create a better environment by substantially improving the livability and amenity of the locality by activating the Ferry Rd and Ocean View Rd frontages and the provision of good quality accommodation space that encourages people to live within the town centre precinct as well as in the surrounding urban catchment.
“The proposal ensures the highest and best use of the subject site by formalizing the trend to higher density accommodation utilising the natural features of the land and activating the primary street frontage (Ocean View Rd) together with the secondary frontage (Ferry Rd).”
The proportion of the proposed development that is located in the R1 general residential zone is also non-compliant for height, exceeding the maximum height limit of 8.5 metres by just under one metre or around 10 per cent.
This variance is described as minor.
The proposed development is on public exhibition until November 27.
DA Tracker, 30 Oct 2020
DA59732/2020, Central Coast Council