Group cleans up for Covid-safe events

The Bays Community Group is hoping to run some events while coronavirus restrictions are still in place, according to group president Ms Gwenneth Weir.
“We are currently finalising The Bays Covid Safety Plan which we have drafted in line with NSW guidelines,” she said.
“This will help to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone visiting our hall at this time.
“A hard-working group has undertaken a general tidy up of the hall and completed a Covid clean.
“Every surface and cupboard has been washed and disinfected. No mean feat!”
Ms Weir said there were a number of ways residents could involved with the group, without having to be on the committee.
“We appreciate that not everyone wants to be on the committee, but they may be willing to help out on an occasional, or even regular, basis.”
She said volunteers were always needed for regular and occasional tasks and events.
These included help with monthly breakfasts and other events, with gardening and building maintenance, with the community garden and with letterbox drops.
The recent Covid clean was another example.
“If you can offer a hand, please send an email to and let us know,” Ms Weir said.

Newsletter, 1 Sep 2020
Gwenneth Weir, The Bays Community Group